And he mapped the whole route using geolocation and GIS. See it on an online dashboard here
Like the quiz? Why not give it a go with your colleagues! Corporate events Christmas / Summer parties Leaving dos Team socials Tried and tested, The Jolly Geo Quizzes provide plenty of corporate-friendly fun andRead more
EIGHTEEN rounds and 126 contestants down. And still going! If you haven’t already played, book yourselves in players. (Just message me.) I hope to have this Edition wrapped by end of Jan (Xmas can’t continueRead more
TEN rounds down, some still to go. Book yourselves in players, the Christmas Quiz is coming mid-December! And here’s where you can show a bit of quiz looove and donate to FIVE exceptional charities: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/thejollygeoRead more
Here be the top half of the FINAL quiz standings. Eleven Twelve rounds down, we’re finally done! 77 of you took part. Only TWO of you hit the 300 mark. Rory (Mr Rozzo McNozzo) was topRead more
New release! A neat video by My Naturewatch featuring The Jolly Geo, on the Royal College of Art website 🙂 #ProjectHogwatch Over the last 12 months I’ve been collaborating on a fun project exploring theRead more
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